what the hyperpop?
an all emcompassing guide to understanding the genre of the internet

what is hyperpop?
asking what is hyperpop has been one of the most common and unanswered questions within the community and outside of it, and that's because there's no real cookie-cutter definition that can tightly pack everything about the genre. i have multiple answers i try to convince myself. i feel as though the word is relative, an album or artist can be hyperpop at one point, but then it changes or evolves over time and it no longer is hyperpop, or until 10-20 articles or video essay later it becomes a quintessential piece of history for the genre. maybe its a less of a genre and more of an adjective to describe a movement of creative minds, a piece of work dominated by maximalism and self-idenity. when researching, especially when watching video essays and documentaries, a lot of them preface that the topic of defining and labeling things as "hyperpop" is a very tricky topic.
the word itself has even sparked debate if it properly represents the genre. according to wikipedia, it is described as "a maximalist or exaggerated take on popular music, and artists within the microgenre typically integrate pop and avant-garde sensibilities while drawing on elements commonly found in electronic, hip hop, and dance music," but even then, i find there to be a couple flaws within that definition. i don't think its a take on popular music, at least not anymore, as i feel that this a better definition for pc music. It doesn’t help that the people often associated with the genre often try to stand out of the genre and even often reject it outright, often most of them tend to shift away from the label, and in the case of charli xcx, has outright announced the supposed “death” of the genre.
whatever the word means, there's no doubt of its existentce and it's impact in music. there's no denying the genre is still new, fresh, constantly changing, fluid and inclusive to all corners of the internet (and people of different backgrounds and identities) developing their sound, mostly in the comfort of their own space without any real restrictions from the music industry that has arguably, become more stale in the pop realm.
my goal throughout writing this entire blog is serve as a guide (for you and me) on how to better identity hyperpop, understand the people and sound they make and develop, and understand the possible greater meaning it has over the years, all through giving a basic 101 lesson to the history rather than throw all of this information at you at once. this website might grow into something much larger (which is what i want to happen), but i will still have a more laid-back, almost "dumbed-down" explanation, because i want to be welcoming to a genre that is so chaotic and often all over the place on purpose. i hope this serves as a friendly introduction to the genre and allows you to further explore the genre.

the hyperpop label itself made its grand coronation with the spotify playlist back in 2019 (which we will get back into much later) the genre can be traced back to the dawn of the 2010s, and even then a lot of its influences can trace back years before then. for better understanding, we shall start in the 2010s, where the internet was truly breaking through in terms of virality, community, and turning regular people into celebrities in their own niche corners.
the prime and fast-growing community where hyperpop would thrive in the early days was without a doubt soundcloud. in general, soundcloud was THE place to find songs and other micro-genres that were uploaded by small, homemade, and DIY artists, as well as groups and labels that collaborated with each other. this is where one of the pioneers of the genre, a.g cook, alongside friend danny l harle, would begin uploading songs under the collaborative name dux content. around this time, cook would start working and collabing with other groups that were formed with expermenting how far can pop music go, and the influences of rave, club, and internet culture via nightcore and anime.
soar in popularity (pushback?)
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themes and sounds
insert research and more objective details lmao
international artists
insert research and more objective details lmao
the current state and the future
insert research and more objective details lmao
the genre axis
this chart encompasses the four main corners of the genre, each with its pinnacle album that layed the foundations for its respective quadrant. each quadrant and the albums inside them will be further discussed in their respective pages.

what's new?
listen to the latest music going now right now! curated by me!
sources + read more
all of my info that i have gather is either my own personal thinking or through these very cool people and websites! please go check them out to read or watch more about the genre!
while i try to source my info and actually try to research and read up on think pieces and articles, half of my words are just me B.S.-ing my thoughts and my sources are first-hand knowledge witnessing the community since the start of 2021. this is less of a wiki or archive of sort and more of my attempt to define this define-less genre, as well as forming my own think-pieces as a "totally trustworthy person". please don't hunt me down if this info is not super accurate to the timeline as i am not in any authority as the "guardian of hyperpop". however, i hope to make this website more trustworthy and honest over time as this was all done within the course of a semester of college lmao.
also, i am not trying to plagarize or steal any information, everything i try to say is my own wording, HOWEVER, when it comes to images or album reviews, i will credit who i shamelessly imitated, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the album reviews as they are heavily based off of RYM descriptors and Pitchfork reviews, but obviously i added my own flair and opinions, but i WILL source where i got my info obviously.
about me!
hi! my name is jess and i am simply a big fan of hyperpop. i started listening during quarantine and have developed a love for the genre and want to collect all my knowledge into this website. my favorite hyperpop artist of all time is SOPHIE, but other favorites include Arca, Caroline Polachek, Dorian Electra, Rina Sawayama, and underscores! obviously with SOPHIE being my favorite artist, my favorite hyperpop album is of course OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES. outside of hyperpop, my favorite artists are SASAMI, Kilo Kish, Allie X, Florence + the Machine, and Run the Jewels.
i know that the definition is different for a lot of people, as well as some people misplacing artists into the hyperpop label. the goal of this website is to, one, provide the best definition i can possible of this very diverse genre, and two, for this to be a small guide for any newcoming fans that want to listen to more! obviously i am not the ultimate decider for what is or isn't hyperpop, i am only a fan and want this to be an accessible guide for anyone that wants to learn more about these really cool and talented artists that are making strides in the music world!